Supporting Ministry of the SDACC

CHER Canada is an official Supporting Ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC) and states the following:

  1. CHER Canada confirms  that we subscribe to and abide by the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and will work as a supporting ministry fo the SDACC, respecting its established organizational structure, but are not legally affiliated with the SDACC. Our leaders and representatives are loyal members of the SDACC in regular standing who by word, action and publication, support and cooperate with the goals and purposes of the SDACC.  Our work at CHER Canada is meant to positively supplement the SDACC in carrying out the gospel commission and is not intended to counter the work of the SDACC.
  2. The theological position of CHER Canada is in harmony with the fundamental beliefs of the SDACC.
  3. CHER Canada supports the mission of the SDACC but is not controlled by or legally affiliated with the SDACC.
  4. CHER Canada will seek approval from our local conference regarding any future services that we might render within their jurisdiction.
  5. CHER Canada is legally incorporated with charitible status.  The CRA BN is 891514044RR0001.
  6. CHER Canada is not legally affiliated with the SDACC
  7. CHER Canada will obtain permission to use any trademarked names or images from the SDACC.
  8. CHER Canada has a tri-level aim to: 1) provide Seventh-day Adventist education; 2) aid in the relief of poverty; and 3) provide basic medical care to children in developing nations from pre-school to Grade 12.  We endeavour to give this opportunity equally to boys and girls and will accept any needy child regardless of race, religion, creed, caste or colour.
  9. CHER Canada does not accept tithe from believers and if donations are identified as tithe, we will return the money to the donor with information regarding our policy on tithe.
  10. CHER Canada has provided the SDACC with by-laws and financial statements for the previous year. CHER Canada is not required to audit the year-end financial statements as our revenue is under the $250,000.00 threshold.  Our financial statements are reviewed and approved by our Board of Directors.
  11. CHER Canada’s board members are legal citizens and residents of Canada.
  12. CHER Canada’s board members have confirmed that they have not been flagged for fraudulent activity by CRA or the IRS in the last seven years.
  13. CHER Canada confirms that all bank accounts are Canadian and confidential information is stored on servers in Canada.
  14. CHER Canada has only one employee and a copy of the Criminal Record Check is updated with the SDACC.
  15. CHER Canada will not seek to promote our ministry at SDA organized meeting or events in Canada without the approval of the local conference or the SDACC.
  16. CHER Canada will provide the SDACC with a letter of endorsment from the Ontario Conference as soon as it is available.